Terrestrial Biology
Land-dwelling species are often extensive and diverse, thus understanding how and where different species live requires thorough investigation and technical expertise. Our ecologists and biologists are qualified to execute all kinds of terrestrial investigations, including mandated procedures and guidelines required by federal, state, and county agencies. Our knowledge of the underlying dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems is used to manage them in an ecologically appropriate manner.
Picayune Strand Restoration (CERP) Project
Picayune Strand Restoration (CERP) Project The project consists of spoil and road removal, canal plugging, and construction of pump stations, and associated features which will help restore habitats to pre-development conditions. Since 2010 [...]
Kismet Gopher Tortoise Relocation
Kismet Gopher Tortoise Relocation Kismet Industrial Park in Cape Coral, Florida is situated on a 25-acre parcel of upland pine, saw palmetto, and xeric oak habitat. The site contained 36 Gopher Tortoises and [...]