Project Description
Picayune Strand Restoration (CERP) Project
The project consists of spoil and road removal, canal plugging, and construction of pump stations, and associated features which will help restore habitats to pre-development conditions.
Since 2010 Turrell, Hall & Associates (THA) have been the environmental managers for the Merritt, Faka-Union, and Miller Pump Station phases that define this CERP project. We have worked with the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the Army Corps of Engineers, the South Florida Water Management District, the Department of Environmental Protection and the contractors to develop an Environmental Protection Plan for each of the pump station phases, and coordinated with the contractor regularly to ensure all aspects of work remained compliant with environmental permitting and the biological opinion. Services have included: wildlife monitoring, nuisance wildlife coordination, reporting of wildlife fatalities, compliance inspections, weekly conference calls, annual reporting, and an educational program.
Because of the number of listed species in Picayune, educational programs (pamphlets, posters, a video, and presentations) are presented to all visitors and personnel working within the project site prior to site access.